Enterprise Management Services SAS – EMS SAS, seeks to generate a healthy, safe and appropriate work environment for its workers; Therefore, it promotes strategies that minimize the risk of the appearance of behaviors that are considered workplace harassment, counting on the participation of employees from their responsibility.
Additionally, all workers have the right to work in an environment free of all forms of discrimination and conduct that may be considered harassment, limitation or disruption.
Therefore, EMS SAS undertakes to:
Prevent and minimize workplace harassment behaviors and defend the right of all employees to be treated with dignity at work. All of them must collaborate jointly in the establishment of the prevention plan against workplace harassment in the workplace.
Establish activities aimed at generating a collective awareness of healthy coexistence, which promotes work in dignified and fair conditions, harmony between those who share work life and a good environment in the company that protects privacy, honor, mental health and freedom. of people at work.
Fight against workplace harassment from a preventive point of view, so that the prevention of these behaviors is integrated into the management systems it develops.
Any person involved in harassing behavior will be subject to investigation in accordance with the provisions of current regulations, procedures and their respective disciplinary measures, with the participation of the labor coexistence committee. Since then, it has been characterized as a company with advanced, creative, vigorous and innovative criteria with a service approach aimed at comprehensive solutions that satisfy and even exceed the expectations of its clients, with a competent human team, attached and committed to ethical and professional principles. This has allowed us, despite the short time, to position ourselves in a segment of very high acceptance and satisfaction in the assessment of the services we offer to our clients.