Work Disconnection Policy

In compliance with the provisions of Law 2191 of 2022, Enterprise Management Services SAS – EMS SAS, so that there is a balance between the work and family life of all the organization's workers, regardless of the type of employment relationship, undertakes to:

Establish mechanisms that guarantee and exercise the right to disconnect from work, considering the appropriate use of information and communications technologies. Guarantee mechanisms and means so that workers can present complaints in their own name or anonymously regarding the possible violation of this right by area managers of the company, which is established in "Complaints and/or Claims Procedure." ” (GSIG -PR- 05). Enforce the provisions of the "Complaints and/or Claims Procedure" (GSIG -PR- 05), to manage complaints, guaranteeing due process, as well as solution mechanisms. of the conflict and verification of compliance with the agreements reached and the cessation of the conduct.

The following are excepted from this policy: Workers who hold positions of direction, trust and management in accordance with the provisions of article 5 of Law 909 of 2004 and other regulations that establish it. Those who, due to the nature of the activity or function they perform, must have permanent availability, such as relief agencies or emergency brigades. Situations of force majeure or unforeseen events, in which it is required to fulfill extra duties of collaboration with the company, when they are necessary for the continuity of the service or to solve difficult or emergency situations in the operation of EMS SAS, provided that the lack of another viable alternative. In order to comply with this policy, EMS SAS has designated the necessary resources and expects the commitment of all the organization's workers.